
About Steilyn

By Molly K. Martin – Steilyn’s mother

Steilyn (Steil) Gray Martin was my only child. He died in a car accident on June 23, 2016 in St. Louis, Missouri. He was 35 years old. Steilyn and his wife, Stacey (Harrison), had been married just 8 months. They were planning to start their family.

It was about a year after Steilyn died that I realized everyone was moving on. His cousins were marrying and beginning their families. It was time for me to move on as well. I did so by beginning the process of going through Steilyn’s childhood loot: photographs, toy cars, letters from family members and good friends, and cards that he had given me for birthdays and Mother’s Day; and so much more. The photos were the best. They told the story of our life together.

There is a great deal that I miss about Steil. I think his humor is at the top of the list. There is not a day that goes by that I wish he would burst through the front door and shout, “Hey, Mom!” which was typically followed by a wisecrack or a funny story.

His kindness remains legendary. Steilyn was accepting and tolerant of others; he did not judge. I loved the way he celebrated people’s successes. It was one of his most admirable qualities.

Some of the best tributes to Steilyn were at the memorial service in Richwood, Ohio. Several of his friends from law school attended the service. I spent time with them after the service eager to hear stories about Steilyn.


"Most of the memories were hilarious but the one comment that touched me deeply was from a young woman who simply said, “Steilyn respected women.” It does not get any better than that."

*A special note regarding Stacey: Stacey’s job took her to Seattle, Washington, where she found love again. Stacey and her husband, Kris, are the proud parents of Neil and Patrick Hansen. We are grateful that Stacey is happy in her new life.